Speaking Engagement: Financial Experience Design (FXD) Conference, October 24-25, 2019

logo - financial experience design fxd

CONFERENCE  //  Financial Experience Design Conference img - external link

THEMES  // Driving and Promoting Behavior Change Design / Building a Design Culture / Design for All

LOCATION  //  Convene Boston img - external link

TOPIC  //  Drive Innovation with Strategic Design img - external link

DATES  //  October 24 – 25, 2019


I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at the Financial Experience Design (FXD) Conference in Boston, MA on October 24-25, 2019.

img - joe smiley etradeMy speaking engagement will focus on Driving Innovation with Strategic Design, where I will cover these relevant topics:

  • The problem – and the underlying reasons – that design is not utilized beyond the creative department
  • Case studies of financial services and banking who have started employing design broadly in their organizations
  • How to expand design throughout the organization to build a foundation for innovation and growth

Definitely looking forward to this conference that’s brining together leaders from SunTrust, Capital One, Fidelity, USAA, John Hancock, and many more. Join us to learn, network and be inspired to design for change.

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These are the following themes for the 2019 FXD Conference:

  • Driving and Promoting Behavior Change Design – how to design to achieve a change in behavior? How can we incorporate motivation into our processes?
  • What’s a bank and why do we need it? – discussion about the changes in attitudes about retail banking, why it exists and how it may change.
  • Designing for Wellbeing – what’s the corporate responsibility? – exploration of a company’s responsibility to design for wellbeing and review of case studies in designs that achieve wellbeing.
  • Design for All: Inclusivity & Diversity – how might we ensure that we do not design bias into the AI we create and begin to break down walls of structural racism, creating pathways for diversity and inclusion?
  • Building a Design Culture – different trends in organizational structures and how they promote or hinder innovation.
  • Interactive Share – Leaders sharing stories about design/innovation challenges and learning from each other.
  • Intrigue: Experience Research Outcomes – Shared examples where experience research helped surface surprising insights that helped influence a change in strategy.

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